Monday, July 30, 2007

Day 94: Developmental Update

For the last few weeks, since around the beginning of July, you've started to drool a lot more. Sometimes you even wake up in the middle of the night in a little puddle. For the last few nights, you've been waking up around 2:30 or 3:00. This is unusual since before that you were sleeping until 5 or 6 am. The book says these might be early symptoms of teething! I can't believe how fast this is happening.

Your language is improving every day also. You really like to say "Grrrrrrrggggg" and love it when people say it back to you. You still aren't crazy about letting anyone but Mommy hold you right now. Except yesterday you let me hold you for awhile and even let me put you to bed. This morning we went to Starbucks, just you and me. A lady there told me you were beautiful!

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