Monday, July 30, 2007

Day 94: Developmental Update

For the last few weeks, since around the beginning of July, you've started to drool a lot more. Sometimes you even wake up in the middle of the night in a little puddle. For the last few nights, you've been waking up around 2:30 or 3:00. This is unusual since before that you were sleeping until 5 or 6 am. The book says these might be early symptoms of teething! I can't believe how fast this is happening.

Your language is improving every day also. You really like to say "Grrrrrrrggggg" and love it when people say it back to you. You still aren't crazy about letting anyone but Mommy hold you right now. Except yesterday you let me hold you for awhile and even let me put you to bed. This morning we went to Starbucks, just you and me. A lady there told me you were beautiful!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Day 76: Progress Update

Well you have made a ton of progress since my last update. I'm beginning to lose track of the milestones but will try to piece the last few weeks together.

Yesterday you had a doctor's 76 days which is around 11 weeks old. Actually you are 11 weeks old today! You got 4 shots, 2 in each thigh. Mom said you were surprised at the first one then outraged at the remaining ones. You got a sucker though which your siblings took off your hands.

What else are you doing? Let's see. You can roll over...from your back to front, somewhat accidentally. It tends to frustrate you a lot though.

You are also gaining a lot of control over your hands. Last week, we visited Grandma and Grandpa Banks in Vienna, VA. You had been trying to get your right hand in your mouth for several days and pretty much got the hang of it during that week. You brought your fist up to your mouth and started sucking on your index finger. Every now and then your thumb uncurled and got into your mouth. I couldn't tell if you were having early signs of teething pain on your upper gums. Probably not, but you sure liked to push your hand up there.

This week you're getting a lot better at putting the hand to your mouth. In fact, this morning Mom placed a little toy in your hand and you held onto it and moved it around and up to your mouth all by yourself. You didn't like the taste of it though.