Monday, October 26, 2009

Big Girl Bed

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tiny hiney

Our friend Leigh is sitting Caroline for a couple of weeks during the day. the other day I got a txt telling me that "Tiny Hiney used the big potty for the 1st time." How exciting...and gross at the same time!

I'm mad

Last night as we were going out to dinner, the Peaseley's stopped by to chat for a few minutes. Caroline, of course, wanted to play with the girls.

I didn't really observe what was going on and Elizabeth strapped C into her car seat. When I got in the front seat and turned around to look at her she had an angry expression on her face.

When I asked her what was wrong she said "I'm mad." I asked her why she was mad and she said "Because Izzybee hurt me." "How did she hurt you?" I asked. "Because I wanted to play" was the response.

Every day she amazes me more and more with her comprehension and ability to express herself.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Potty of my very own

Well, the big day was yesterday. I finally got a potty of my very own (as one of the Baby Songs goes.)

It's a simple thing, plastic with a hinged lid. It even came with a "deflector shield" which I tried to put on...and later found out is just for the boys.

According to mom and dad, we're going to keep it out in the living room/playroom so I can get used to it. I don't really care about people watching me pee pee and poo poo. What's the big deal?

Monday, April 27, 2009

2 yrs, 1 day


Yesterday was my 2nd birthday! Dad forgot to update my blog. Check out my new outfit!
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Thursday, February 26, 2009


The other night I seemed to catch everyone off guard by counting to ten. Well, I almost did. I made it to five with no problem. then I alternated the rest up to 10. Last night I counted to 13 and Mom and Dad were again impressed. I mean, its not like I was doing geometry or something!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First PRogress Report

I got my 1st progress report from my pre-school this Monday. I think I did OK. I got mostly Exceeds and a few Meets Expectations. Dad says he won't make me go for tutoring, which is a relief!

I'm still putting a lot of new sentences together which is helping me get what I want. Some of my favorites are:

"I need help" I say this when I can't get up on something or out of my high chair, or when I get stuck climbing all over my table and chair set. The other day I was climbing onto my table and slipped back down between the backrest and seat of one of the chairs.

"Come on Da-Da, let's get ice cream." OK, I still have trouble with each word. Honestly, it sounds more like "cuh mon da-da, leh geh i keem" but everyone seems to get the point.

"Go away John"
"Hi Ezzy", "Hi Tobey" ("hi ed-die, hi toe-bee")

I'm also practicing my growl voice a lot. Everyone chuckles when I say "tob-bee" in a growl voice.

They also seem to get a big kick out of my different camera faces such as "happy face", "sad face", etc.

Today is a snow day so me, mom, and the big kids are at home. Even though only about an inch of snow fell, the roads are real slick with black ice. Dad is thrilled that we'll have a houseful of kids with wet feet tromping in and out all day.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It was pajama day at school today! Mommy dressed me in my favorites.
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