Friday, December 28, 2007

277 Days -- or -- 39 Weeks and 4 Days

So much has been happening lately. You started "waving" about 5 days ago. Actually, you hold up your right hand, palm facing you, and open and close your fingers. It is very cute! I think you know that everyone likes it so you do it upon request now.

You've had your second cold for the past couple of nights. Last night you didn't have much appetite and rejected baby food, formula, and even people food. You took a good nap this morning though.

Your dog, Champ, went poo-poo right in the middle of your room at about 5 am. You weren't in there at the time. Good thing because it smelled really bad. Daddy says he's officially an outdoor dog again. Daddy almost went all Micheal Vick on Champ.

You are so very close to crawling. You can squat on your knees and hold yourself up on your arms. That is a pretty new development because last week your arms weren't quite strong enough to hold up your body. Now you can rock on all fours and sometimes inch forward by bending one leg underneath. It's fascinating to watch you struggle and make progress.

Monday, December 17, 2007

234 Days -- or -- 33 Weeks and 3 Days

Here you are in all your bathing glory!
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232 Days -- or -- 33 Weeks and 1 Days

This is a picture of your sister holding you on Friday morning. December 14th, 2007.
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231 Days -- or -- 33 Weeks and 1 Days

Tonight (December 13th) we decorated your first Christmas tree. You were a little tired though and missed most of the festivities. You sure were excited to see it the next morning however!
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On the vocabulary front, you're trying to make the "Ffff" sound so you can say "foo-foo" or something to that effect. You're also saying "Vvvv" which doesn't mean anything to me.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

229 Days -- or -- 32 Weeks and 5 Days

In the last week you've been trying to make some new sounds such as:

* Woo. I think you're trying to say "Woo-Woo" or, in English, "Dog."
* Vee
* Hey
* Buh, as in "Buh, buh, buh."

Where are you in terms of physical development? At your last checkup you weighed 18 lbs and a few ounces, which means more than double your birth weight. You can sit up, lean forward to get toys, and even rotate around to the left (going to the right makes you fall over for now.)

You love to pick things up, study them with your eyes and hands for a minute or two, then sample them with your mouth. If you discover they aren't food, you usually try to press them against your gums and hum. Perhaps you're testing for musical qualities?

You love to eat yogurt right now. We don't give you too much because it is a dairy product. Mixed with baby cereal, it seems to make a filling meal for you. You also love Gerber mixed fruit (bananas, apples, pears) and some of the vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.) but not green beans, to my delight.

You can stand on your feet with support for a few minutes, though you are pretty unstable. You love to hold onto things such as the bed rails for stability.

By the way, here is a website to count the number of days between any two dates: