Monday, April 30, 2007

Day 1, Part 2: Meeting Mommy for the 1st Time

You were born at 8:31 pm. Because of the way you were delivered, Mommy wasn't able to see or hold you right away. The nurses took you away and made sure you could breathe right and were strong.

Finally at 10:40 pm, the nurses brought you into Mommy's recovery room and you met face-to-face for the first time. Mommy couldn't believe how beautiful and precious you were. She was enthralled to see you after feeling you inside her for several months.

Gammie, Me, and your big brother and sister were also right there. We were all speechless when we saw you.
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Day 1: You were born

At 5:15 in the afternoon on April 26th, 2007, you decided you'd had enough of waiting. Mommy was taking a nap and woke up startled by one of the cats.

We grabbed the hospital bag, made a quick call to Gammie, said so long to your brother and sister, and headed out the door.

Carolinas Medical Center was only about 4 miles from our house and we made the trip in about 15 minutes. I dropped you and Mommy off at the Emergency Room then parked the car.

By the time I found you two at about 5:45, Mommy was in bed surrounded by nurses. Everyone knew you were indeed on your way.