We just got back from what seems to be becoming our annual pilgrimage to Holden Beach. Caroline is now 14 months old and has been walking, by herself, shakily, for a couple of weeks now. She's really taken off in the past week though, able to cross rooms and go from room to room with ease.
At the beach she encountered stairs for the first time. There were several sets of them both inside and out. She didn't know how to approach them the first time, trying to crawl up with her hands and hoisting up a leg. After showing her how to step up once and holding her by the hand, she figured out how to bend the knee and lift up the foot. It was off the races then!
Her command of speech is improving every day and is almost hard to keep up with. Jus the other day, June 23rd, she began saying "Cra-craw" for a cookie or cracker. She also says "buh-buh" (bye bye) and "baw-baw" (ball.) Yesterday she tried to make the "Juh" sound to say "John" and "Chuh" to say "Champ" (our dog's name.)
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