Wednesday, March 26, 2008

March 25, 2008 - Great Grandma's Funeral


Your great-grandmother, Sylvia Beauregard Banks, was buried today. It's too bad that you never got to meet her in person. She was an incredible person. She was one of the hardest working people I've ever known along with being the most positive. She was always working on some project, or volunteering, or traveling. Even well into old age, she kept up a vigorous schedule. She crocheted a yellow blanket for you which is one of your favorites. We'll probably take it away from you in a few months to preserve it for you in good condition.

You started off the day by feeding one of the horses in the backyard of Grandma's house. You weren't scared of them at all. I guess to you they seemed like big doggies. Doggies that ate grass. When they discovered we didn't have any treats they took off, but I think they made an impression on you.

Your cousin Sylvie loves horses! She has one of her own. Her mother, your great-aunt Susan, must have infected her with the horse-loving gene. Maybe someday you'll get to ride it.
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