You have made a lot of progresss lately. Probably too much to write about so I'll just make a bullet list again:
- You still mostly say "Grrrrr" or something similar along with "Oooooo." You're definitely trying to talk though. Every now and then you let out what sounds like a laugh. You make other cute noises but not on a regular basis.
- You love books! We hold books in front of you and you love to try and grab the pages and turn them. You don't quite have enough dexterity though but you're close.
- You love to try to put everything you can get ahold of into your mouth. We bought you a teething ring though but you aren't real crazy about it. You love to try and put blankets in your mouth. You're still drooling like a fountain also.
- You mostly love to put one or both hands in your mouth and get them all slobbery. Mommy thinks you have sweaty hands but I think its just drool.
- Sometimes when I check on you in your crib you've turned almost 90 degrees perpendicular to the length of the crib. I think all that kicking and writhing is making you turn. It's hilarious.
- You fall asleep cuddling your "baby bear" or other stuffed rabbit rattle. It's incredibly cute.
Last week the temperatures were in the 100's for about three days. It was oppressively humid as well. The paper quoted people from Africa as saying it was hotter than home. Saturday it was only in the mid-90's and felt so much better, we took you shopping and you got a new table for your Bumbo chair.
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