Saturday, August 23, 2008

Party Time!


Here is me with my brother and sister and their Papa at her family birthday party. It was awesome! The chocolate on chocolate cake was dee-vine!
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Sissy's 15th birthday


Here is me with my big sister and her dumb friends. They came over to wake her up and decorate our house with junk. The balloons were pretty cool though.
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Friday, August 22, 2008

Balloon Mania!


Me with my sister's birthday balloons!
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Monday, August 11, 2008

473 Days -- or -- 67 Weeks and 4 Days

My vocabulary lessons continue. Tonight my dad taught me to say "Pee-Pee" and "Bi-Ka." Pee-pee means "pee-pee" and "Bi-ka" means "bike."

Its been a hard couple of days of falling down. My knees are covered in scratches and scrapes. Yesterday I stumbled and caught the edge of the coffee tabe with my chin on the way down.

I can also say "Bee-bee" (Bertie) and "Ja-Ja" which means "John" and not Jar-Jar (as in Binks.)

I'm also learning to play JOhn's drums. Every now and then dad lets me sit on the drum stool and beat away with John's sticks or brushes. It's great fun!